VIP Referral Group, Inc.
There are many reasons you should benefit from hanging your license with VIP Referral Group, Inc.
Is your real estate license inactive or dormant within a brokerage office? Is your license costing you money and earning you little or nothing? Are you planning to get your license with no intentions of selling? Would you like the opportunity to let your license make you money with little or no effort on your part?
If you fall into any of these categories, then the VIP Referral Group, Inc. is the perfect place for you to start capitalizing on your real estate license, with little or no effort. You can become a Referral Agent with VIP Referral Group.
Relocation & Global Referrals
VIP Realty Group, Inc.'s Relocation & Global Referrals Department is a tremendous source of company generated leads.
Many agents ask how referrals are assigned within the company. Experienced agents know this process is not always advantageous to all the agents equally in many companies. True to our philosophies, these leads are assigned utilizing our professional knowledge and experience.
For More Information Contact
Lisa Farrell Sands
Broker of Record, VP of VIP Realty Group, Inc., Ft. Myers Sales Manager
Broker of Record, VP of VIP Realty Group, Inc., Ft. Myers Sales Manager